Chuck Lidell is a former MMA superstar who retired from the ring back in 2010. Since his retirement, Chuck has been living a life of pure comfort in this $2.6 million home he purchased in Hidden Hills, California. The home hosting the champ comes with lavish amenities like an outdoor tropical pool, a library, a spa, and a personal basketball court. The house itself features a Spanish-inspired architecture with clad roofing and vaulted ceilings.

The entire home measures about 5,923 square feet with five bedrooms and five bathrooms. It even has a separate maid’s quarters for the MMA champ’s staff. Aside from all these fancy amenities, Chuck Liddell can also boast living beside some of Hollywood’s biggest names like Kim Kardashian and Justin Bieber. Wouldn’t it be nice to live in such a beautiful home just a few blocks away from your favorite celebrities? Chuck Liddell is surely living out our wildest dreams.
