One of Hollywood’s greatest dancers that ever lived, Cyd Charisse, has made a name for herself with the help of her five-million-dollar legs. Subsequent to recuperating from polio as a youngster and contemplating expressive dance, Cyd entered films during the 1940s. Her roles normally included her capacities as a dancer. Without those dancing gams, she would not have been world-class famous as a dancer. So it’s only natural that the star protects her pins.

Cyd appeared in the classic 1952 musical romantic comedy Singin’ in the Rain opposite Gene Kelly. Her dancing abilities also grabbed attention in other memorable Hollywood films credited to her name, such as 1953’s Sombrero and The Band Wagon in the same year, where she also danced opposite Fred Astaire in the acclaimed Dancing in the Dark. She retired from dancing in the late 1950s when Hollywood musicals started to decline but continued to star in TV and movies. She lived until the old age of 86.
