English rock guitarist Jeff Beck of the Yardbirds needed to insure each of his fingers for a million dollars, so that’s a total of $10 million dollars for the complete set! This decision came to him in 2009 after a cooking mishap. He was chopping carrots when he accidentally cut off his index finger—but just the tip. He immediately went to get it fixed in the hospital, saving his career. Whew, what a close call!

Those fingers that can strum a mean riff and innovative guitar music make Jeff a celebrated guitarist. He achieved a rare degree of fame; Rolling Stones ranked him as the fifth among the 100 greatest guitarists of all time and as one of the most influential guitarists in the realm of rock. Beck’s work with the Yardbirds and the Jeff Beck Group’s 1968 album Truth had a profound impact on heavy metal music, which became prevalent in the early 1970s.
