Dennis Rodman – Net Worth $500K

Dennis Rodman was a celebrity basketball player who used to play alongside Michael Jordan. He was a well-known rebounder who was popular inside and outside the court. His private life was quite wild, mainly because of the women he had romantic entanglements with. Rodman experienced an unhappy childhood, and as a result he appeared introverted and shy in his early years. He later reinvented himself as a “bad boy”, often arguing with rival players and disrupting games.

He was also an unofficial US Ambassador to North Korea. While he seemed successful, he had a financial setback in 2012. Rodman’s lawyers said that he couldn’t provide child support to his two kids, let alone pay for his own living expenses. The reports say that he owed more than $800,000 in back child support. His legal counsel also added that Rodman was broke and sick. Later on, he was accused of theft allegations but he denied all of them.
