Brittany Ashton Holmes | Starbucks Staff

You may remember Brittany Ashton Holmes from the film The Little Rascals, where she co-starred with Travis Tedford and Bug Hall as one of the poor children. Brittany was the adorable little girl in The Little Rascals, and although the cast created an iconic credit film, it seems that she didn’t have anything else to do in the acting world after the film wrapped. The movie was an immediate hit, of course, grossing more than $67 million at the box office, but this did not stop Brittany from cutting her career short in 1996.

Despite participating in a cast photoshoot with her old co-stars a few years ago, Brittany has actively avoided the spotlight, with no apparent social media presence. Holmes currently lives with her husband in Los Angeles and is working at Starbucks while hoping to complete a degree in political sciences.
